Österreichische Postsparkasse Reiseführer
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Österreichische Postsparkasse is located in Vienna, the capital of Austria, and is the center of Austrian mail.
Österreichische Postsparkasse is famous for its Art Nouveau style buildings and is one of the representative buildings of architect Otto Wagner.
The front entrance of the building is a red carpet staircase, and you will be impressed by the structure that makes you feel like a Hollywood star. I don't think it's a post office. Also, when you enter the building, the translucent glass allows the sunlight to enter, making it a modern structure that makes you feel very bright, and the gap with the profound feeling of the exterior is very interesting.

 Bahnhof Schwedenplatz
 Bahnhof Schwedenplatz
 Bahnhof Stubentor

Anfahrt vom Bahnhof Schwedenplatz
Anfahrt vom Bahnhof Stubentor
Anfahrt vom Domkirche St. Stephan



Umliegende Karte

Offene Touristenkarte (große Karte)

Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Österreichische Postsparkasse

Gemeinsames Regierungsgebäude


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