Park Guell
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Sightseeing Guide
Park Guell, one of the most famous tourist attractions in Barcelona.
Park Guell is a park designed by Gaudi for the purpose of creating a British-style residential area by Count Guell, and was planning to move in about 60 houses, but due to various regulations, there were no buyers. The plan was suspended and it will be provided to the city as a park. However, in 1984 it was registered as a world heritage site along with the Sagrada Familia as a group of works by Gaudi and became a popular tourist attraction in Barcelona.
Park Guell is famous for its mosaic-like park bench walls, but it is also on the hill, and the view over the city of Barcelona is also popular.

Traffic Access
L3 Line Lesseps Station
L3 Line Vallcarca Station

Route from Lesseps Station
Route from Vallcarca Station
Directions from Casa Calvet

Web Site

Photo Gallery

Map around
Open Sightseeing Map (Big Map)

Park Guell

Gaudi House Museum

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