San Siro Stadium
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Sightseeing Guide
The stadium, which can be said to be the sacred place of Italian soccer, is San Siro Stadium.
It is home to two Serie A powerhouses, AC Milan and Inter Milan, and is a huge stadium with a capacity of about 80,000. The spring-like pillars are also characteristic of San Siro Stadium.
Adjacent to San Siro stadio subway station, transportation access is very convenient, and posters of both teams are displayed inside the station, which makes me excited even before I see the stadium. There are museums and shops in San Siro Stadium where you can buy goods, so be sure to check it out. We also hold tours that will guide you through the inside of the stadium, so it's a good idea to take part.

Traffic Access
M5 San Siro Stadio Station

Directions from San Siro Stadio Station

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San Siro Stadium

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