Sempione Park
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Sightseeing Guide
Sempione Park is a large park adjacent to Sforzesco Castle.
In the well-maintained park, there are various facilities such as a theater, an aquarium, and a playground as well as a large lawn. Another highlight is the Gates of Peace, which is wide and difficult, but let's take a walk to that point. There is also an artificial pond near the Gates of Peace, and the view of Sforzesco Castle from there is spectacular.
You can also take out light meals in Sempione Park, so it's a good idea to eat in the shade or on the lawn and take a break while sightseeing.

Traffic Access
M1 Cairoli Castello Station

Directions from Cairoli Castello Station
Directions from Sforzesco Castle

Web Site

Photo Gallery

Map around

Open Sightseeing Map (Big Map)

Sforzesco Castle

Sempione Park

Milan City Aquarium

Civic stadium

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