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Sightseeing Guide
Lucua is a fashion building directly connected to Osaka Station.
Lucua is a commercial facility that opened on May 4, 2011. It is a large-scale building with 2 floors underground and 10 floors above ground.
The adjacent building next door is called Lucua1100 and is a facility that handles a wide range of sweets, restaurants, sundries and other items.
Because of the huge facilities of Osaka Station, which is the starting point of Osaka sightseeing, sightseeing around Osaka city around here can be convenient and efficient.

Traffic Access
【Osaka Station】
JR-Tokaido(Kobe) Line
JR-Tokaido(Kyoto) Line
JR-OsakaKanjo Line
JR-Fukuchiyama(Takarazuka) Line

Web Site

Photo Gallery

Map around
Open Sightseeing Map (Big Map)


Toki-no-hiroba Plaza

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