Temperature and precipitation in Lihue

Climate overview
Kauai, where Lihue is located, is a small island, but the weather varies greatly from region to region. Lihue, located in the southwestern part of the island, borders on Waialeale Mountain in the center of the island, has many sunny days. ,

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Highest Temperature 26 26 26 26 27 28 29 29 29 28 27 26
Lowest Temperature 19 18 19 20 21 23 23 23 23 22 21 20
Precipitation 150 85 106 89 80 43 54 45 60 112 138 131
Precipitation number of days 16 15 19 17 17 17 20 20 16 19 17 19
 New York
Highest Temperature 3 5 10 16 22 27 30 29 25 19 12 6
Lowest Temperature -4 -3 2 7 12 17 20 20 16 10 5 -1
Precipitation 87 83 104 107 112 93 111 102 99 90 114 99
Precipitation number of days 11 10 12 11 12 10 10 10 8 8 9 10
Weather ForecastMap

Temperature and precipitation in major cities

The time difference of Lihue is UTC-10
There is no daylight saving time.
Local time UTC
0:00 10:00
1:00 11:00
2:00 12:00
3:00 13:00
4:00 14:00
5:00 15:00
6:00 16:00
7:00 17:00
8:00 18:00
9:00 19:00
10:00 20:00
11:00 21:00
12:00 22:00
13:00 23:00
14:00 0:00
15:00 1:00
16:00 2:00
17:00 3:00
18:00 4:00
19:00 5:00
20:00 6:00
21:00 7:00
22:00 8:00
23:00 9:00
Hawaii Lihue

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