Temperature and precipitation in Saransk

Climate overview
Although the climate of Saransk is short in summer, the temperature rises and you can spend your time comfortably, but in winter it is extremely cold and snowy. The best season is from June to August.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Highest Temperature -11 -9 -2 11 19 22 24 22 17 7 -1 -6
Lowest Temperature -17 -17 -10 2 8 11 13 12 7 0 -6 -12
Precipitation 32 24 25 32 39 59 74 50 49 47 44 35
Highest Temperature 6 7 10 13 17 20 22 21 19 14 10 7
Lowest Temperature 2 2 3 5 8 11 13 13 11 8 5 3
Precipitation 53 40 37 38 46 46 56 59 50 57 64 48
Precipitation number of days 17 13 11 14 13 11 13 13 13 14 16 16
Weather ForecastMap

Temperature and precipitation in major cities
 St. Petersburg
  Other Russian cities

The time difference of Saransk is UTC+3
There is no daylight saving time
Local time UTC
0:00 21:00
1:00 22:00
2:00 23:00
3:00 0:00
4:00 1:00
5:00 2:00
6:00 3:00
7:00 4:00
8:00 5:00
9:00 6:00
10:00 7:00
11:00 8:00
12:00 9:00
13:00 10:00
14:00 11:00
15:00 12:00
16:00 13:00
17:00 14:00
18:00 15:00
19:00 16:00
20:00 17:00
21:00 18:00
22:00 19:00
23:00 20:00
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