Kattamine Shrine
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Sightseeing Guide
The Kattamine Shrine is located on the summit of Katta, about a 10-minute walk from the Zao Rest House at the end of the Zao Highline.
Kattamine Shrine is located near the border between Yamagata and Miyagi prefectures, but because it is located in Miyagi prefecture, it is managed by the Miyagi prefecture shrine office. Benefits include "water accidents," "weather," "childbirth," and "easy delivery." There are two shrines, "Satomiya" and "Okumiya", and "Okumiya" is on the summit of Katta and "Satomiya" is on Togatta Onsenkyo. From the beginning of November to the beginning of April, the Zao Echo Line is closed to traffic in winter, so it is not possible to visit. You can worship the Shintai. The characteristic of Kattamine Shrine is that it is easily accessible even though it is on the top of the mountain. The promenade from the rest house at the end to the shrine is also maintained, so you can go with your usual clothes, and it is also a shrine with a relatively large number of worshipers.

Traffic Access
KaminoyamaOnsen Station
  Yamagata Shinkansen
  JR Ouu(Yamagata) Line
ShiroishiZao Station
  Tohoku/Hokkaido Shinkansen
Shiroishi Station
  JR Tohoku Line

Route from KaminoyamaOnsen Station
Route from ShiroishiZao Station
Route from Shiroishi Station
Route from YamagataZaoIC
Route from ShiroishiIC

Web Site

Photo Gallery

Map around

Open Sightseeing Map (Big Map)

Kattamine Shrine


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