Umeda Sky Building
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Sightseeing Guide
Umeda Sky Building is the center of Shin Umeda City in the center of Osaka.
The Umeda Sky Building consists of two skyscrapers, and an observation deck is set up like a bridge between them. Because its unique scenery is rare in the world, it is a spot that many foreign visitors visit.
The observatory is called an aerial garden, and it looks like a corridor, and the observatory looks like it floats in the air. It is also close to Umeda, the center of Osaka, so you can see many famous buildings.
Shin Umeda City is a complex facility. There are many facilities such as Umeda Sky Building, hotels and restaurants, as well as an observatory.

Traffic Access
【Osaka Station】
JR-Tokaido(Kobe) Line
JR-Tokaido(Kyoto) Line
JR-OsakaKanjo Line
JR-Fukuchiyama(Takarazuka) Line

【Umeda Station】
Hankyu Kyoto Line
Hankyu Kobe Line
Hankyu Takarazuka Line
Hanshin Line
OsakaMetro Midosuji Line

Web Site

Photo Gallery

Map around
Open Sightseeing Map (Big Map)

Umeda Sky Building

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