Petit Palais
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Sightseeing Guide
Along with the Grand Palais, Petit Palais famous as the heritage of the 1900 Paris World Exposition.
Petit Palais was built with the Grand Palais and the Alexandre III bridge at the Expo in Paris.
Today it is being used as a museum in the Paris City Petit Palais.
At the museum, furniture and paintings around the 18th century, including paintings and works of art in the Middle Ages and Renaissance period, are displayed.
Petit Palais is designed by Mr. Charles Jilloul, and features a semicircular entrance on the front.
You can distinguish this part from the Grand Palais located across the road.
Although it tends to create a small building from the name Petit Palais, it is large in contrary to the name, and it is conspicuous even in the city of Paris.
Also from this area the Alexander III bridge is wonderfully beautiful and you can enjoy the view which is said to be the most beautiful bridge in the world.

Traffic Access
Champs-Élysées - Clemenceau Station
 Metro1 Metro13

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Nearby attractions

Petit Palais

Grand Palais

Alexandre III bridge

Currently it is used as an art museum

Distinctive semicircular entrance

A large building opposite the name

Surrounding Map
Open Tourist Map

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